I don’t care if you are a Republican or Democrat there is no way you can see this picture and not have your heart broken. Here is a father and his little girl suffering a death no-one should have to suffer. And yes I know, he was trying to do something illegal in crossing the border but how many of those judging him right now have been in a position where you are so desperate to give your family a better life that you are willing to risk such a journey.
Once you have gotten beyond sadness I hope you feel the same sense of anger that I do towards our government officials who have failed to address our broken immigration system for years. They have turned immigration reform into a political game and both parties have played it exceedingly well: neither side is innocent.
We need to reform the system so that those who desire to share in the American Dream, just as most of our ancestors did at one point in time, have a pathway to do so and those that wish only to do us harm can’t. We also need to look strongly at trade policies and our dealings with foreign nations so that prosperity, freedom, and peace can be found in these migrants own countries thereby reducing the motivating factor causing such migratory pressure. This is a critical human rights issue.
Let us never forget that the Holy Family themselves were immigrants fleeing the the danger of their homeland as the headed into Egypt.
“For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.” (Matthew 25:42-43)
All of use should vow that we will never see a picture like this again!